Saturday, August 13, 2011

~ VC Rocks!!! Blog Hop ~

~ Triple Blossom Bouquet Flower Pot ~

Hi Stampers!

Welcome to my blog on this Awesome VC Rocks Blog Hop!!!

You have more than likely arrived from one of our terrific VC Rocks! coordinators Carey Rogers awesome blog with one of her lovely creations!

My little project began with Stampin' Up's! very own Blossom Bouquet Triple Layer punch, of which I have only recently purchased...and let me tell you...I have not been so excited about a punch in a while, as I am thrilled with this one! It took a little longer for this wonderful tool to actually grow on me, but once I got my hot little hands on it...I am in LOVE...LOL! Well, I love flowers, they are my one weakness.

Next Saturday, August 20th, at my home, is my monthly card class and we will be making this little pretty!
You can call...602.481.8587 or to reserve your spot by Aug. 18th, 2011.

Stamps: none
Ink: none
Paper: cajun craze, island indigo, bashful blue, old olive, punpkin pie, daffodil yellow, pretty in pink, crumb cake
Access: blossom bouquet triple layer punch, word window punch, bird punch, polka dots embossing folder, linen thread, dazzling rhinestones, dimensionals

***If you leave me a comment, I will be sending one of you an original version of this!

Now, onto the next stop of the Hop to an awesome blog to view some pretty projects created with punches...Sharon Field.

Hope that you have as much fun Hopping and we all do in sharing our love of stamping and paper crafting!

~ Linda

Friday, August 12, 2011

~ My Dazzling Divas Swap ~

This is my swap card for this month's Dazzling Divas demonstrator group. We were asked to create a Fancy Folds type card. I had been wanting to make one of these, a double sided step version for sometime now.

I did a little research before I colored in Miss Birdie here. Vermillions are almost always red, therefore I thought that rose red would work. She also has some crumb cake on her wings and a little pearl accent for her cute little eye!

Stamps: young vermillion, kindness matters
Ink: chocolate chip, soft suede, crumb cake
Paper: marina mist, rose red, watercolor paper, very vanilla, crumb cake
Access: crumb cake ribbon, pearls, antique brads, linen thread
Tools: scallop die, 2 1/2" punch, vintage wallpaper embossing folder, word window punch, modern label punch, dimensionals


~ Linda

~ SU Convention Projects ~

This was a very special "Surprise" birthday gift given to me by my dear friend Barbara Welch. It is a bit of a long story, but the shortened version is that I did not sign up originally for this class. I had intended to have a leisurely evening of a luxurious bubble bath back at our hotel room.  Little did I know that she and our other roomate Pam, had other plans...LOL...after she finally got me into the class, I sat down and she asked me if I was having fun and of course I said...yes...then she quietly said "Happy Birthday!".  Well, I was a little shocked and surprised...that is the kind of person she is...full of delightful surprises...we had so much fun this year!!!

This is one of the beautiful Make n Takes that everyone got to make at Convention this year! I love all of the variety in each and every me lots of inspiration on making pretty banners for all kinds of events and perhaps some gifts too!

Yet another beauty that Stampin' Up! pulled together for us to make! They are a truly Amazing company...full of creativity...I am hardly ever at a loss for ideas...I LOVE the flower atop the box and the beautiful fabric too!  This will hold some of my little pretties...wont' you come and see for yourself?

Give me a call or email me on how YOU can be part of this AMAZING Company! This year's festivities were the BEST! And, can you believe they said that next year's will be even better?  I can hardly wait :)

Happy Stamping to Everyone!!!

~ Linda