Friday, July 27, 2012

~ Stampin Up Convention Gifts Swap ~

Hi Everyone!

Now, if you attended this year's Stampin' Up! Convention in beautiful Salt Lake City, UT...and you were part of my down line, you would receive one of these little pretties!

There were way too many ideas swimming in my head pre-convention as to what to create as gifts for my fellow, this year's idea was inspired by my lovely friend, Laura Fernsler.

What do you think? It is a mixture of multi-media items on a 4x4 artist's canvas. I so enjoyed making these, that I believe there will be more in the future!

Would you like one of your very own? Join my Team : Pretty Inkers AZ and sign up on my demonstrator I will be sure to get one out to you asap!

Hope that you enjoy your day...and be sure to fit some stamping into it!

Til next time...

~ Linda ~

Thursday, July 26, 2012

~ Stampin' Up! Convention 2012 ~ My Swaps ~

The theme for this year's convention was "I am". At several times throughout this amazing week, we were asked by various SU individuals how to fill in the blank. My chosen word was ~ Appreciative!

Being a part of this awesome company and all of the blessings it has provided me in my life, I thought the word appreciative was quite appropriate! I am appreciative of all of the lovely ladies that I have met throughout my 4+ years as a SU Demonstrator. So very many wonderful memories that I have shared with many of you, my blog buddies, etc...the list would take a book to instead of writing a book, today I will share my swaps that I took to convention this year. Enjoy!

The above was an organized swap hosted by Laura Fernsler. We each had to create 6 Big Shot flowers to swap. I received 6 lovely pins that I just can's wait to wear! Thank you Laura!

This was a 3-D item that I made for General Swapping. It is a water bottle tag with a packet of pink raspberry lemonade! I just LOVE an ice cold glass of this during the summer! Enjoy!

How about these little purses! I just LOVE purses! A girl cannot have too many purses...LOL!
The newsprint one on the left I received a sample at Leadership earlier this year and the little pink one was inspired my Lorri Heilling. It was originally a nugget purse, I enlarged it so that it would hold a different candy...dare I  put chocolate in it...would never have made it to Salt Lake City! :)
Oh, have I ever shared with you that I am a chocoholic? Oh, dear...

Well, please stay tuned for more Convention goodies that I will be posting...

Hope that you enjoy your day/week...and make some time for stamping!

Lotsa Hugs...

~ Linda ~