Monday, December 29, 2014

Creative Blog Hop Monday!

What a super adventure being a Stampin' Up! demonstrator is proving to be!

A few weeks ago I received an invitation to participate in this unique Blog Hop from a fellow demonstrator Hallie Gainer. Although I do not believe we have met in person, she is a fellow Creative Crew team member over on Splitcoaststampers. I enjoy her style very much!

Being that I am finished creating for the Holidays, I thought that I would take this opportunity to post a Sneak Peek from the up and coming Sale-A-Bration and Spring catalogs!

Flowers are my absolute favorite image to stamp, color and create! This is an example of what can be done with a pretty floral stamp, some deliciously colored designer paper and of course, a little dazzle!

For the background of the card, I decided to also use a slice of leaf designer paper.

Stamps: Love is Kindness - Occasions Catalog premiering January 6, 2015
Ink: Versamark, Markers: Rich Razzleberry, Rose Red, Daffodil Delight, Blushing Bride, Soft Sky
Paper: Rich Razzleberry, Rose Red, Whisper White
Tools: heat gun
Misc: black embossing powder, dazzling details, whisper white taffeta ribbon, dimensionals

 As part of this sharing opportunity, I have been asked to answer four goes:

1. What are you working on? Hmmm...being that the Holidays are pretty much behind us, I am beginning to focus on our lovely new products from our new 2015  Sale-A-Bration and Spring catalogs! I am dreaming of ways to create pretty projects for my up and coming classes, swaps, gifts and whatever else comes up!

2. How does your work differ from others in your genre? Okay, after contemplating this question for a few moments I would have to say that...I love pretty papers, happy colors and I adore the Shabby Chic style...but not too much...and I like clean a little hesitant to sponge or rough up the edges...I enjoy seeing things POP and glisten!

3.Why do you create what you do? Ever since I can remember, I have loved paper...the feel of it, how it can be cut, colors pulled together to bring about, 3-D items, gifts, you name it, if it is made of paper...I am in LOVE with it! Sharing is also a big part of my hobby...I enjoy giving sets of cards to family and friends frequently.

4. How does your creativity process work? Well, usually depends on my mood...LOL...I create because  I am happy...I create when I am sad and that usually makes me happy! Lots of things around me influence my creative process...I will think of a certain color, color combination...go from inspired by some nice designer paper...go from there...want to try a new technique and have some new rubber and off I go...fabrics, Pinterst, many things in everyday life!

Another part of this awesome blog hop is that I get to share my nominations for the next Creative Blog Hop players whom will be posting next Monday, January 5, 2015! They are two of my favorite fellow demonstrators from my upline's team...weStamp.

Sue P. ! I must say that I am amazed at how easily Sue can come up with beautiful projects using My Digital Studio! I have attempted the program a few times, but always end up with paper in hand.
She is such an awesome stamper too and I feel blessed to know her. She is always full of enthusiasm! You will just have to see how wonderful she really is and visit her next week, Monday January 5th, 2015, at her blog: Sparkled Stamps

Stephanie M. ! This wonderful fellow weStamp demonstrator is an absolutely fantastic creator of so very many lovely paper craft creations! I have case'd (copy and shared) a few of her projects on several occasions! Please visit her blog next Monday January 5th, 2015 to see what she will be sharing for the Hop at: The Fetching Stamper

Thank you all for visiting today!

Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year 2015!

~ Linda

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

From my home to yours...wishing you a most Merry Christmas and a soon to be Happy New Year!

Please stay tuned as I am participating in a Blog Hop where my post goes live on Monday, December 29th, 2014.

Happy Stamping!
