Saturday, December 9, 2017

Merry Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of the year! A fellow demo friend of mine created a collage that I absolutely Loved...Gina Shappa. And I thought to myself...hmmm...I have all of the supplies to make one on my own and therefore I did just that. It began with the piece in the lower left corner...I already had that as a card and was inspired by her creation to make the other four additions come to life.

So, how are you doing thus far with all of your Christmas and Holiday preparations? Things here at the Rodenberg residence are coming along quite smoothly so far. Decorating is almost complete, cards are ready to go out in the mail, house is in order and just needs a little more dusting and cleaning in the next few weeks in anticipation of our Christmas Day Dinner.

Not sure what the hubby has planned for the big day, menu wise. Although I am quite confident that is will all be delicious and splendid. 

That is all for now fellow stampers, paper craft enthusiasts, etc.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and hope that you are all healthy, happy and Santa brings you your heart's desire!

~ Linda

Monday, December 4, 2017

Cozy Cottage

Happy Monday Stampin' Friends!

Included in my Stampin' Up! pre-order from the upcoming Spring Catalog, was this beautiful stamp set entitled Cozy Cottage. It reminded me of my recent travels to Ireland and the United Kingdom. There were many cozy cottages scattered throughout the landscape looking so very inviting!        Well, a very good reason to have to have this lovely stamp set to play with!

Stamps: Cozy Cottage (hostess set from the new and upcoming Stampin' Up! Spring 2018 catalog)
Ink: Chocolate Chip
Paper: thick whisper white, shimmer white, garden green
Misc: linen thread, rhinestone basic jewels colored with green sharpie

Hope that you like this!

Merry Christmas!

~ Linda

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

~ Merry Christmas! ~

This little pretty was inspired by a fellow demonstrator Barbara Gonzales! I Love how sparkly this card is! The Stampin' Up! Winter Wonder snowflake embossing folder was tucked up way in the upper left corner and then brushed over with Wink of Stella clear pen. We have some pretty gold doilies, gold sequins and such pretty ribbon!

Merry and Bright! So colorful and done so very easily with our beautiful Stampin' Up! designer Christmas card stock Quilted Christmas! A very versatile card layout! Stamp Set used is Hearts Come Home and pretty red sparkly ribbon...all Stampin' Up! quality!

Blue Bells! Created with the oh so very cute Stampin" Up! Bell Punch and some silver and dazzling diamonds card stock.

Those are my shares for today! Not cooking for Thanksgiving this year at our home. We are invited to a dear friend of ours home and Ken is making a delicious potato gratin dish.

We do have a fun weekend ahead of us though with visiting with one of my son's and Chelsea our little sweetheart doggie has a birthday party to attend...along with her mom and dad.

Hope you get some fun stamping time in the next few days!

Til next time...

Happy Stampin'...

~ Linda

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

~ Stampin Up OnStage Roomie Gifts ~

Happy Wednesday!

Today's share are some roomie gifts that I shared with my roommate Ellen while at the Stampin Up OnStage Event in Salt Lake City last week.

This Daisy Delight stamp set is so very pretty and versatile and I adore the Delightful Daisy designer paper that coordinates with it too. I love know why? I live in Phoenix, AZ, the Desert Southwest and flowers. well...although the desert can be quite beautiful at times, well I have tried to no avail to grow flowers and have not succeeded, and so I turn to my beautiful Stampin Up sets with flowers galore!

Calendars are a weakness of mine, I must admit. Everywhere I look in my craft studio, I can see a calendar...LOL! Anyone else share my fetish? 

And if you are reading this far down my post, please leave a comment and I will choose someone to send a lovely hand crafted Stampin Up card to! I will contact you privately when you have been chosen to gather your mailing information.

Thank you for visiting my blog today.

Stampin' Up! makes me Happy and I hope it does the same for you!

Happy Stampin!

~ Linda

Monday, November 13, 2017

~ Stampin Up On Stage Swap 2017 ~

What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been! All wonderfully Good! My brother-in-law and his wife stayed with us for a few days and it felt as if my dear husband and I were on vacation with them.
We ran around a bit and enjoyed their company very much! One evening we listened to some oldies but goodies music and songs which brought back a flood of memories for all of us!

Meanwhile, I was getting ready for Stampin Up OnStage. It had been three or four years since I attended a Live event and I was so very excited to go this time. I was working on swaps for a few weeks prior and so thoroughly enjoyed the little mermaid card that I created for an event that is hosted by my up-up line Barbara Welch. It was entitled "Swap in Your PJ's" ! Each of us were required to make 36 card fronts and you would not believe all of the pretty cards that I received in return. 

Stamps: Magical Mermaid
Ink: Cherry Cobbler, Tempting Turquoise, Bermuda Bay, Blushing Bride, Memento Black
Paper: Tempting Turquoise, Island Indigo, Shimmery White, Copper, Basic Black
Misc: Basic Pearls, Copper Trim Ribbon, Ruffled Dynamic Textured Embossing Folder

Well...there you have today's share! Stay tuned because I have lots of fun things that I received at 
OnStage and I am planning on attending another OnStage Event this coming April 2018 in
beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada! If you are interested, I would be more than happy to share how you too may join in the festivities and fun with me and about 2,000 of my favorite Stampin Up friends!!!

Luv ya Lots!

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Butterfly Basics

Happy Saturday Stampin' Buddies!

Lately I have been wondering how these types of cards were made...I had seen quite a few on Pinterest and several other card making blogs, etc. I thought it might be terribly complicated.

Not really! I did a little research and found out that this is called The Retiform Technique. I watched a  you tube video a few times and then tried it on my own!

What do you think? It is not a new technique, but with newer stamps and inks, I just LOVE how these turned out! I used one of my favorite in-colors Flirty Flamingo and Pink Pirouette for the shading. I had a few friends over yesterday and we got pretty inky playing and trying differing ways to arrange the elements!

Would you like to get Pretty Inky with some ladies? I am having a class on Saturday, August 19th at my home here in Phoenix, AZ. Send me an email and I will send you an invitation.

Well...have to go and get ready for this afternoon's adventure takes me Wine Tasting to a new venue with a fellow wine buddy! You see, I have buddies from different walks of Life...isn't that wonderful! I always believe that one can never have too many friends!

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Christmas Wreath

How many of my fellow paper crafting, rubber stamping buddies begin Christmas preparations this early? Me! Me! Me!

LOL! A little group of us gals enjoy getting together almost every week and we each take turns to come up with a project to work on at our gatherings.

This absolutely Beautiful wreath was designed by Dreaming Tree and my dear friends...Liz and Debbie joyously cut on their Cricut to create this project!

My contribution is the background gold foil designer paper and the various little gold bling dots and of course, one of my favorite embellishments, the Fleur de Lis. that I am eagerly awaiting my Stampin' Up! pre-order from the All New and up-coming, spectacular Holiday Catalog, which goes live for everyone on September 1st...not patiently, mind I am a tap-tap-tapping on my keyboard...oops! I just saw the mail truck go by...later y'all!!!

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Baby Shower

Time for a baby shower card! I am so pleased as to how this card turned out! My sweet manicurist is expecting a baby boy in the month of September. When I visited her for my last appointment, I asked if she was registered with any of the local baby stores and she happily invited me to her baby shower!

It has been too many years since I attended a baby shower. I am thinking that it was probably my daughter-in-laws when she was expecting my twin granddaughters, about nine years ago! Wow!

Well, it was so much fun looking at baby items. Things sure have changed and evolved over the years. The theme is elephants, as you might have guessed. I found a cute little toy to add to the gift, an elephant pull toy of some sort :)

And so yesterday, I sat down and came up the the card above. I printed out the little elephant and went with some happy, vibrant colors. And I thought, wouldn't it be nice to add balloons. And just by coincidence, I punched out five of them and then I thought his name will be Isaac and that is five letters, so I pulled out some silver letter stickers...and there you have it!

It is always a good day to stamp here in I hope you enjoyed today's little share.

Happy Stampin"!

~ Linda

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sympathy Card

It is never an easy endeavor to create a sympathy card, especially when it is for a very good friend.

Her mom passed away over the weekend and both my dear husband and I are sending our sincere condolences.

And so I came up with this design especially for her, she likes turquoise, so I do hope that this brings a little comfort to her and her family at this sad time.

Enjoy your Loved Ones...keep them close...because one day when you least expect...they will be gone.

Blessings on this Sunday,

~ Linda

Thursday, July 6, 2017

~ Happy Birthday Gorgeous! ~

Today's pretty comes to you, which was totally inspired by Gail Davidson...thank you Gail! I case'd (copy and shared) this little piece of art work because lately I am in the mood to play with watercoloring!

What do you think? I am having a class this Saturday, July 8th at my home and am deciding if I will include this in the card making lineup. It was not too difficult at all really. 

OMG!!! Now I have to make another one! Hmmm...I usually make at least two cards when I am stamping and one I tend to send out to someone :) Who might that be?

Well...this morning is already starting off bright and beautiful! Have a few errands to run today...better get is going to be a HOT one here in sunny Phoenix...I think they said 116 degrees? Oh, well...I don't count the degrees anymore...anything over 105 is pretty HOT!

Hope you have a great day...wherever you are...whatever you're doing and take some time to play!

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Dragonfly Dreams

Last night I attended my monthly Stampin' Up! meeting with my weStamp group and swapped this little pretty. I cased it from Maria Willis...such a talented demonstrator...thank you Maria!

In this crafty endeavor, I did some watercoloring using melon mambo re-inker to paint on the background using an aqua painter. I originally tried to achieve this using glossy card stock, but was not happy with those results, but I do LOVE the way this turned out!

Stamps: Dragonfly Dreams, Climbing Orchid (sentiment)
Ink: Memento Black, Melon Mambo, Tempting Turquoise,
Paper: Water color, whisper white, soft sky, tempting turquoise,
Misc: Dazzling Diamonds, Metallic Foil Doilies, Silver Metallic Thread, Aqua Painter

Well, there you have it!

Am planning on attending the Onstage Stampin' Up! Event in Salt Lake City, UT this coming November, are you?

Til next time...

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Friday, June 9, 2017

Daisy Delight!

Oh my goodness! Talk about fun creating! I am in Love with the new Stampin' Up! Daisy Delight stamp set and coordinating punch.

Sadly though it is currently unorderable as demand has far exceeded predictions regarding its' popularity! But I was lucky enough to get it early on my pre-order as a demonstrator.

It will most likely be available towards the end of July. If anyone is interested I will definitely keep you updated as to its' availability.

Stamps: Daisy Delight
Ink: Versamark
Paper: Powder Pink, Soft Sky, Pear Pizazz
Misc: Clear Faceted Gems, Daisy punch, 3/4" circle punch (on bottom of flower), wire to create the stems for the flowers, hot glue to adhere the daisies to the stems

Well...tomorrow is going to be GREAT! I am so excited to be hosting some of my favorite stamping buddies in my home for Class.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Happy Stampin' !

~ Linda

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Celebrate Today!

Getting ready for my Stampin' Up! Class this Saturday, June 10th!

It has been wayyy too long since I held a class...just life getting in the way...but NOW! 
With the Awesome, Beautiful, Spectacular NEW Annual Catalog....look out!!!

This banner was made with all of the NEW 2017-2018 In Colors...they are so striking and even more spectacular in person!

Well...I need to get back to hope you have a great rest of your day!

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Just Breathe...

Yesterday I embarked on a new leg of my journey and this card signifies what I was reminded of while enjoying Tai Chi in the park. I had taken a class quite a few years ago at The Paradise Valley Community College, so when I was in the midst of my practice, it all came flooding back to me.

This card says it all! I made it earlier this week and it includes several NEW products from our beautiful and amazing Stampin' Up! Annual Catalog 2017~2018.

Stamps: Colorful Seasons
Ink: Night of Navy, Early Espresso
Paper: Powder Pink, Whisper White, Early Espresso, Pear Pizazz
Misc: Seasonal Layers Thinlits Dies, Sponge Roller

Well, there you have it!

Oh and by the way, I am having a Class in my home next Saturday at 10AM to showcase many of the new products appearing in the catalog!

Please let me know if you would like to attend by RSVPing to:

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Birthday Memories

Hi Friends!

Today I am sharing a non paper crafting related post...yesterday I filled my Hummingbird feeder with fresh sugar water and I happened to look out my kitchen window this morning and noticed that I had a visitor.

How cool is that! I hope to see many more visitors stop by for a little nourishment as they continue on their journey or perhaps they will stay a while!

Well, I must get back to celebrating...there is so much to do today...all FUN related!

~ Linda

Saturday, May 27, 2017

~ Daisy Delight ~

Happy Saturday!

Today I bring you a little creation that I CASE'd (copy and share enthusiastically) from Wendy Ellard found on Pinterest.

Most of you that know me, know that I enjoy creating with flowers of just about any variety. Well, as the beautiful month of May comes to a close, I am sending it out with a floral hurrah!

Stamps: Daisy Delight
Ink: Old Olive, Daffodil Delight, Night of Navy
Paper: Daisy Delight designer series paper, whisper white, night of navy, old olive
Misc: Linen Thread, dimensionals

Hope that you are enjoying this Memorial Day Weekend and celebrating with family, loved ones and dear friends wherever you are.

~ Linda

Friday, May 12, 2017

~ At Home With You ~

Happy Friday to my fellow paper enthusiasts!

Earlier this week, I received a box of awesome goodies, my Stampin' Up! pre-order and could not wait to use this oh so cute stamp set to make a card with a French blue door!

Those of you that know me, I love French speaks to my soul. Little by little, I am bringing this style into my home. Maybe I will get to paint my front door a French blue color...that would make me so happy!

Anyway, for those of you whom are not demonstrators, this beautiful stamp set entitled At Home with You will be for sale beginning June 2nd from our NEW Stampin' Up! 2017-2018 Annual Catalog. So get your Wish List out and add this one to it.

Stamps: At Home with You
Ink: Marina Mist, Crumb Cake, Memento Black, several markers to color in the wreath and flower pots...that was so relaxing.
Paper: Whisper White, Shimmery White (excellent for watercoloring), NEW Wood Textures DSP
Misc: Brick Wall embossing folder, linen thread, dimensionals, paper snips

Stay tuned for another adventure sure to come your way...can not say for sure when, but with all of my new toys...I have to play with them!

Happy Mother's Day!

~ Linda

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

~ Fleur de Jour ~

Today I bring you a project that I have been working on with a few of my crafty paper pals these past few weeks.

This is from SVG Cuts and my dear friend Liz initiated this and she did all of the cutting and prep work beforehand. The willing paper participants, including moi, eagerly watched a tutorial together to make this beautiful piece come to life!

As many of you already know, I just LOVE flowers!!! And being that we live in the desert, do not get me wrong, I know there are beautiful desert flowers here too, but, being from back East, there is nothing that can compare to the flowers grown there from Springtime throughout the Summer months.

So, to satisfy that need, I happily make flowers out of paper!

And, there you have it for today!

Happy Stamping!

~ Linda

Monday, May 1, 2017

Pocketful of Posies!

Happy May Day! 

That probably has multiple meanings but the symbolism I ascribe to this, the first day of the Lovely Month of May, is from when I was a wee lass...way back to second grade when I attended Catholic school and danced around the Maypole and wore a pretty dress that my beloved mom created for me! And with a crown of flowers set upon my head! celebrate, I enjoy making things with flowers of all kinds, centerpieces, wreaths, shadow boxes and most of!


~ Linda 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

~ Happy Easter ~

Easter gifts for my pretty little twin granddaughters Keira and Kaely. I enjoy putting together these little bags filled with goodies for my sweethearts!

The March Paper Pumpkin stamp set was used to make the bunny cards along with their favorite colors Perfect Plum, Wisteria Wonder and Pink Pirouette with Melon Mambo.

Hope that everyone has a lovely and Blessed Easter today!

Happy Stampin'!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

~ Happy Birthday Artie! ~

The past year has just breezed seems like yesterday that I made a birthday card for my son Artie! 

Well...I was in the mood for using some Pacific Point card stock and glad to have created this one of a kind card for a one of a kind son.

Hope you like it and perhaps are somewhat inspired to take out some card stock, punches, stamps and get a card to someone today!

Happy Stampin'!

~ Linda

Saturday, March 25, 2017

~ Pop of Pink Cake ~

This is a birthday card for a lovely niece of mine that lives back east. She is becoming a teenager. Such a sweet, beautiful, intelligent, young lady. Her mom and dad are the best parents ever, well, my mom and dad were really the very best parents, honestly!

Not much else going on except that I have been straightening out my craft studio and getting into the Spring and Easter mode with decorating around the house.

My two little buddy doggies Bebe and Chelsea had their spring spa day where they both were groomed and ready for the warmer weather that is to come in the next few weeks here.

Oops! My cup of tea is empty, so I need to go and get a refill!

Til next time!

Happy Stampin' !

~ Linda

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

~ Spring is Here ~

This absolutely beautiful, gorgeous Spring sampler was made in a class hosted by Lorri Heilling and Gina Shappa.  Gina designed this amazing creation!

There are few words other than what I began with to describe how incredibly happy I am to have attended this event and bring home such a masterpiece! It lights up too! The little basket in the lower right corner has battery powered lights that are pink!

All of the elements are Stampin' Up! and can be found either in the 2016-2017 Annual Catalog and the Occasions Catalog and various items from the Sale-A-Bration catalog event.

The attention to detail is just incredible! 

Hope that you are engrossed in your own stamping adventures and bringing to life your very own marvelous creations! I would love to see what you are up to!

Happy Stamping!

~ Linda

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Valentines for my Sweethearts

Hi Stamping Buddies!

Thought that I would share another of my Valentine adventures with you today!

These were my Valentines that I gave to my twin granddaughters Keira and Kaely...the gift bags filled with little goodies for them.

Last month I learned how to make pop out cards from one of my very talented side lines Jeannette Weeks. We had so much fun learning how to make these at our team meeting, so I decided to share them with my little sweethearts!

Well...there you have it!

My dear hubby and I have a busy weekend/week ahead with lots of fun activities planned for both our 12th Wedding Anniversary which is tomorrow, Sunday February 12th and Valentine's Day this coming Tuesday.

Here's hoping that you all enjoy the weekend and week ahead with your own crafty adventures!

Happy Hugs!

~ Linda

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Sending Love...

Hi Stamping Friends!

Today's post brings you some Love... Stampin' Up! style!

Since I have watched a few You Tube video tutorials on how to make the double Z fold card, I have been busy. This card was inspired by...cased from Craft Project Central.

The entire Stampin' Up! Sending Love Suite immediately caught my attention when I first cast my eyes on our beautiful Occasions catalog earlier this year! You can find just about everything I used on page 14-15.

There is so much Love to share with this beautiful bundle and here I am sharing it with all my buddies!

Stamps: Sealed with Love
Ink: Basic Black, Real Red
Paper: Real Red, Basic Black, Whisper White, Sending Love Designer Series Paper Pack, Silver Glimmer paper
Tools: Love Notes Framelits, real red ribbon, dimensionals

Well...there you have it!

Enjoy your stamping adventures as much as do I and here's wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

Love & Blessings,

~ Linda