Wednesday, May 6, 2009

~ Happy Scrappin' in May ~

Hi Everyone!

Last week I finally decided to get going on my little twin granddaughters, Keira and Kaley's scrapbooking adventures. As you can tell by the above photo, my dining room table is covered with pages of scrapbook items, paper, photos, mat papers, ribbons, flowers, brads, buttons, bling, pom poms, you name it; it is going into this scrapbook.

This is a work in progress and I have been going through my "stuff" that I have saved in the past eight months or so, that is how old the girls are as of May 2nd, and pulling it all out.

Just thought that I would take a little break and share with you what I have been working on lately and also have some ideas for my next Card Class on Saturday, May 16th at 10 am at my home.

Hope that you are enjoying your own crafty adventures, wherever they take you these days...I know that I am also going to try and keep cool, it is supposed to be around 100 degrees for the next week...oh, well, that is Arizona.



1 comment:

  1. How fun! Can't wait to see a few pics of the finished product. They are going to adore this as they grow up. Little Sweetie Pies!
