Sunday, August 2, 2009

~ See you after Convention ~

Hi Everyone!

Well, I think that I have posted just about everything and am up to date. Now the real fun begins...

Join us on Saturday, August 15th ~ 10:00 - 12:00 noon at my home for:

~ Paradise Valley Saturday Morning Stamp Cafe ~

We will be holding the drawing for the Gift Basket for which several ladies have qualified and one lucky winner will be going home with all of the goodies!

We will be making a cute little 3-D birdhouse and 2 cards.

I will have lots to share with you after returning home from Convention.

Also, please note that I will probably not have internet access for most of next week.

Hope that you all enjoy your Stamping and Paper Crafting adventures!

~ Linda

1 comment:

  1. Linda, Have a WONDERFUL time at convention!!! I will be thinking of you 24/7! Can't wait to talk to you when you are back!!! ENJOY! (Secretly I'm SOOO JEALOUS!!) LOL
