Friday, December 18, 2009

~ Fabric Flower Brooch ~

At the Stampin' Up! Convention this past August 2009, Shelli Gardner premiered this wonderful idea of cutting fabric using the Extended pad SU Flower Folds die #115970.

This past week my gracious upline Lorri Heilling had a get-together so that whomever attended could finish up some of their projects and one that I have been wanting to try my hand at was making these lovely brooches. Lorri let me borrow her die and I cut up some pretty material in reds and blacks and sheers and the above creation is what transpired!

Needless to say, now I had to order one of these dies for myself and I look forward to making these in various colors for gifts and possibly to sell.

I am going to wear this today when I meet my dear stamping buddy Anne for lunch in a little while.


~ Linda

1 comment:

  1. Linda this is GORGEOUS!!!!!! WOWZA I can't believe those stacks of fabric transformed into these! LOVE the cameo center button, too, goes PERFECT with the theme. Keep taking pictures girlfriend! I'm getting INSPIRED!
