Tuesday, June 1, 2010

~ Happy June ~

With the ending of a beautiful and glorious month of May, I would like to thank all of my family and friends for making my birthday this year one that is truly memorable. I am overwhelmed by the bounty of birthday blessings, well wishes, cards, gifts and celebrations that I received from so many wonderful people.

As promised, the winner of the FREE Blog Candy is:   Karen Green!!!

And, just because I want to, a 2nd place winner is: Traci Major!!!

Now I need to go and tell them the good news!!!

Hope that each and every one of you enjoy your day in some special way!


~ Linda


  1. Yay! That's me!!
    Congrats, Traci, another fine dork!

  2. Linda, that is so generous of you and blog candy is such a lovely gesture!! Thank you!!
    And congratulations to Karen!
    Linda, you made my day!! Hugs~!
