Thursday, December 9, 2010

~ JOY Banner ~

After having created a couple of banners earlier this year, one being a Baby Boy and another one for my darling grandaughters, Keira and Kaely's 2nd  birthday celebration...I needed to come up with a total of 7 gift items to swap at my Dazzling Divas downline Christmas party earlier this month and as you can see, I have been quite busy working my little fingers to the bone...LOL...literally...yes...but I thoroughly enjoyed making each and every one for all of the special ladies in this wonderful group of happy stampers!

Since we have 16 days left before Christmas, I might have to make some more banners...using other words such as LOVE...PEACE...CHIC...well, you know where this is going...all over the place!!!

If anyone has any ideas, I welcome them...simply send me an email to:

Happy Christmas & Holiday Stamping!

~ Linda


  1. WOW you have been one busy lady!!! This is just darling Linda, a great gift to bring Christmas cheer to a home!

  2. Super cute project, the banners look like a great size and wonderful cheerful decor item! What a beautiful gift!!
