Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~ Gift Box ~

Back in October at my monthly meeting with the Divine Divas our very own Diane DeChaine was gracious enough to share her rendition of a gift box.

This past Saturday I was delighted to have the ladies in my class each make one of these for themselves.

Inside easily fits up to about eight A2 size cards, depending on how thick each one is. You can easily use it as a gift box for any number of items, for example: chocolates, candy, etc. You get the idea.


Gift Box ~ 4 1/4 inch X 5 1/2 inch

Cut two pieces of card stock
1 @ 6 inch X 12 inch piece
! @ 7 1/4 inch X 6 inch piece

Score the 7 1/4 inch X 6 inch piece @ 3/4 inch on all sides.
Trim to make inside box.

Score the 6 inch X 12 inch on 12 inch side:
@ 4 3/4 inches, 5 1/2 inches, 10 1/4 & 11 inches.

Assemble and decorate as desired.
Ribbon wrap around = 23 inches long

And...there you have it!

I would just LOVE to see what you come up with...email me pictures please!!!

Happy Creating!

~ Linda


  1. Thanks Linda, I love the box and when I make one I will send you a picture.
    Rene from OZ xo

  2. I had made a gift box for my friend`s birthday. That seems like this box. I think this is batter because of its color combination. I like it. London Fancy Box
