Monday, January 10, 2011

~ Wreath ~

Last week I was blog hopping and came across an absolutely beautiful wreath and I had to make one for myself. It was not too difficult but did entail lots of glue and staples.  

The original and a tutorial for this project can be found on by Maria Bell. Her work is amazing!!! Please stop by her blog to see some of her other wonderful projects. 

Now the house is somewhat decorated for Valentine's Day and my upcoming class this Saturday, January 15th at 10am ~ 12 noon. We will be making some cute Valentine cards and a gift box.

Happy Stamping!

~ Linda


  1. WOWOWOW!! I've been waiting to see this!! :) So impressive Linda, this is going to be BEAUTIFUL as part of your Valentine decor!!! Wowza you are getting a reputation for OVER THE TOP PROJECTS!!

  2. Linda that is so very pretty! What a lovely wreath!

  3. I love your wreath, Linda!! Thanks for sharing the link for the tutorial, first I would need to have the right paper! I enjoy seeing your projects!

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