Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~ Branching Out ~

Earrings are another one of my passions...I have admired pretty jewelry from as far back as I can remember...which is quite a while I must admit and no I am not going to tell my age...although some of you know that I am a grandma, a very happy one too!

For the past few weeks, I have been looking for a nice pair of silver swarovski crystal earrings and they are just no where to be found! Okay, I went to Etsy.com and looked there too. I finally ordered a pair through mail order was so excited to get them, tried them on and they just are so heavy on my ears...oh, my, what a dilemma!

Hark! A little voice inside me said why don't you do a little research? Then I procedded to go to You Tube and view some of their videos on how to make chandelier earrings and went to my local craft store, got some supplies and tried my hand at it...and the resulting project is pictured above!

They are exactly what I was looking for!

Hope that you like them...leave me a comment...enjoy your day!

~ Linda


  1. Linda, this is BEAUTIFUL!! WOW what a great job you did! This could be another crafting adventure for you!! :) Thanks for posting!

  2. Linda, you sure are a 'go-getter' doing that all by yourself! I am like you, too, with earrings, and other jewelry, only I wish I had the confidence to try something that difficult right off! Terrific job....model them in a picture for us, now!
    Chris in Calgary, AB Canada
