Monday, July 15, 2013

Stampin' Up! 25th Anniversary Convention

Just one more day and I will be on my way to beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah where Stampin' Up! and about 6000 of my fellow demonstrators will be celebrating SU's 25th year in the rubber stamping/paper crafting, card making/scrap book making business.

With me, I will be bringing about 200+ swaps, samples to trade with my cohorts.  Each year it gets easier and easier to prepare.

This year is especially meaningful to me because my first down line, Karen Klaassen will be attending along with her down line. We are staying in the same hotel. I am looking forward to showing them and my room mate, whom also is a first timer, around the Salt Palace Convention Center.

There are a wide variety of activities to participate in, one of which is SU is asking each of us to bring a hand made greeting card addressed and stamped to send to someone. If they gather 2,000 of these, they will have broken a world record of cards being sent from one place at the same time.

One is addressed to someone whom I believe reads my blog regularly, when I post. She is the very lady that got me involved in the awesome hobby way back when...and was present when I made my very first greeting card!

Although, I will confess that I do not post as regularly as I would like to on here, if you follow me on Facebook...Linda Rodenberg, Phoenix, AZ, you can see what I am up to more often.

With that long blurb, I must say my good nights for now and wish you all a wonderful, happy week of doing whatever it is you enjoy most!

Happy Stamping Hugs,

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